2003 ART Pregnancy Success Rates

Type of Cycle< 3535-3738-4041-42 *
Fresh Embryos from Nondonor Eggs
Number of cycles90302910
Percentage of cycles resulting in pregnancies506058.63/10
Percentage of cycles resulting in live birth44.443.334.52/10
Percentage of retrievals resulting in live births47.144.8372/8
Percentage of transfers resulitng in live births51.350372/8
Percentage of transfers resulitng in singleton live births24.426.922.22/8
Percentage of cancellations5.63.36.92/10
Average number of embryos transferred3.
Percentage of pregnancies with twins33.35/184/171/3
Percentage of pregnancies with triplets204/180/170/3
Percentage of live births having multiple infants52.56/134/100/2
Frozen Embryos from Nondonor Eggs
Number of transfers481054
Number of transfers resulting in live births33.33/101/51/4
Average number of embyos transfered4.
Donor Eggs (All Ages Combined)Fresh EmbryosThawed Embryos
Number of transfers1829
Percentage of transfers resulting in live births55.644.8
Average number of embryos transfered3.74.6

* When fewer than 20 cycles using fresh, non-donor eggs or embryos are reported in any one category, live birrth rates are shown as fractions.

Arizona Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Caring for you, Caring for your heath & Caring for your future

5190 E Farness Drive #114 Tucson, Arizona 85712

(520) 326-0001